I have a handicap. It’s
not obvious, and it’s certainly nothing for which I’m going to get a special
license plate, a placard on my rearview mirror, or a closer parking spot.
In many ways, it doesn’t drastically affect my daily life. And sometimes,
I even forget about it. So what’s wrong with me? Well, today,
February 18, 2016 marks six years since I lost my senses of smell and taste
due to a traumatic head injury.

The most profound effect losing
my smell and taste had is that it makes me more keenly aware of what I used to
take for granted. I desperately miss the smell of my wife; her lotion,
the way her hair smells right after she washes it. I miss the smell of
clean sheets or fresh laundry. I miss the smells and tastes of the meals
that Lisa so lovingly prepares for our family. I can't share an ice cream
cone with my son and know how good it is. It saddens me to think that I
won’t be able to smell my daughters on their wedding day, or taste the wedding
Believe it or not, I’m not
saying this to make you feel sorry for me. I know I am blessed beyond
anything I could ask or imagine. I’m saying this to remind you to not
take the little things for granted. God has blessed us with wonderful
ways to sense and interact with our mates. Everything—sight, hearing,
smell, taste, and touch—helps us to better connect with our spouses.
Through shared sensory experiences, couples can build intimacy, elevate
communication, provide comfort, and find greater joy in marriage.
So, let her know she looks
beautiful to you. When he comes in stinking from a long day, let him know
how much you appreciate his hard work for your family. Make sure she
hears your love in words that affirm her to her very core. Thank him for
being “the grill-master” as you savor every bite. Thank God when you
gently stroke her hair, or she holds you close, or you share loving touches
Let your senses awaken an appreciation of your mate you haven’t considered
before. Please, don’t take it for granted. I would give anything to
smell my wife again.