Friday, June 21, 2013

Come to the table

     There is something powerful about a shared meal.  The analogy of the love, grace, goodness, sharing, and intimacy that happens at the table is found all throughout Scripture.  It’s no surprise the imagery of the end times is a Heavenly Banquet in which food and wine are abundant, and God calls his bride (us) to come and share at the table.  During Jesus' ministry, some of his most meaningful connections were made at the table.
     When was the last time you and your spouse shared a meal together?  And please notice that there is a difference between eating at the same time and actually sharing in a meal together.  A shared meal is not just the “eat-and-run” gobbling up of food that satisfies a physical appetite, but rather an extended, meaningful time together at the table with no distractions; a time in which you can talk, laugh, share and connect on a deeper level.
     If you’re reading this and thinking to yourself, “I’d like that, but it just doesn’t happen,” well, you have to make it happen.  A shared meal with your mate usually doesn’t materialize automatically.  Often, it takes intentionality and planning.  Family dinners are really, really important, but your conversation is different when children or grandchildren are at the table.  For some couples, schedules don’t allow a frequently shared meal, so you may have to sacrifice something less important for something more important. (While a couple’s schedules are sometimes a legitimate reason for not eating together, I think far too often many use that as an excuse because we are addicted to the frenetic lifestyles we live).  Dinners with friends are great and we should practice the spiritual discipline of hospitality.  But none of these are the same as a one-on-one shared meal with your mate.  It doesn’t have to be an elaborate or expensive meal.  Just a meaningful, shared time at the table.
     And when you come to the table with your love, come to the table to laugh together.  Come to the table to share your individual dreams and your dreams for you and your spouse as a couple.  Come to the table to share the extraordinary things you’ve experienced today, and to share the mundane things from your day.  Come to the table and talk about how you’ve changed over the years.  Come to the table and talk about why you love him/her more now than ever before.  Be playful when you come to the table.  Come to the table to share your fears, share your joys, and share your tears.  Whatever you do, just come to the table and let your time at the table bring your closer together.


What does God want from my marriage?
  A Weekend Marriage Enrichment Retreat

Friday-Sunday, September 13-15, 2013

Fall Creek Falls State Park Inn

Limited to 25 couples
Email for more info

Is your church doing everything it can to help facilitate healthy marriages?  Are you sure?  The Marriage-Friendly Church is available now and gives you the questions every church needs to be asking.  Available at 21st Century Christian or on

Top image credit: <a href=''>stockbroker / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

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